
Why is this handmade card so cheap!?

Have you ever made something with the intention of selling it, only to feel that you just can't part with it?..I often do. Have you ever bought something with the intention of giving it as a present only to find that you just have to keep it for yourself? Well, this happened to me recently... 

 I was selling my jewellery at a local craft fair and the stall next to mine was selling hand-painted crafts, cards and some fabric goodies...all very lovely. Anyway, this particular item caught my eye and I just had to buy it, with the intention of giving as a present one day.

Handmade Card with hand painted portrait
Handmade Card with hand painted portrait

It is a lovely handmade card. The basis of the card is handmade paper and then the artist has painted a portrait using water colours. The portrait has been adorned with some pressed flowers, a shell necklace, vintage lace, beads and glitter. Then the card has been finished with an organza and bead tassel, and then presented in a lovely box.

And she was selling it for....£1 !!!!! What is going on!!! I would have paid at least £5 for the work that had gone into that. Just shows you though that when pricing handmade items, what might be worth a couple of pounds to one person might be priceless to somebody else.

So, I will be keeping this card for myself and have it safely stored in one of my craft drawers. I get the card out regularly, sometimes for inspiration and sometimes to remind myself that I am worth more than the price of a loaf of bread....

p.s. This is my first go at trying to photograph a card and I didn't realise how difficult it is, so hats off to you card makers who have to do it regularly!


  1. That is madness! Did you tell her she was selling herself short?! I bet she had lots of sales though!x

  2. The rest of her goodies were reasonably priced but when I picked this card up I couldn't believe it (maybe it was incorrectly priced? but for the work that had gone into it - it was unbelievable!!


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