
Daily Mail Feature and Jasmine Harman Necklace

It has been a hectic but extremely enjoyable week at Shpangle Jewellery. I woke up yesterday to find my website stats had gone through the roof, and after a little investigation found my lock of hair keepsake jewellery had been featured in the Daily Mail newspaper! Not only had I been featured in the online article titled The art of pregnancy: The weird and wonderful ways modern mothers are celebrating having a baby I was also in the paper copy (page22) if anybody still has it. As a result I spent yesterday and much of today answering phone calls and emails from potential customers of my keepsake jewellery.

Daily Mail Shpangle Feature
Daily Mail Shpangle Feature

And it doesn’t stop at the Daily Mail; it appears that several newspapers around Europe also ran a similar article with references back to my website so I have been a busy boy! The other news is that I was asked last week to make a name on rice necklace for the lovely TV presenter Jasmine Harman who amongst other things presents the Channel 4 program ‘A place in the sun – Home or Away’.

Jasmine Harman
Jasmine Harman

The necklace was to be a gift for Mother’s Day and contained two grains of rice both with names on. While I was at it I made a name on rice pendant for her as well! It is a single grain of rice with her name and the glass vial has a daisy fused on the outside; I included a little glitter as well and here it is:

Jasmine Harman Necklace
Jasmine Harman Necklace

So far this year Shpangle Jewellery has been in a Movie, had a Radio Interview and now a newspaper article...what is next, a TV program maybe? Well, guess phone call I had yesterday was from Scottish Television wanting to show my jewellery on TV, so watch this space!



  1. That's fabulous news for you Mick and very well deserved too! All the best! :-))

  2. What a lovely success story to read. Well done and congrats on the exposure. Hope it brings you tons of orders

  3. Congratulations, Mick!

    All this is nothing short of what you deserve for your great work.

    Don't forget us when you make your first million!!

    Ali x
    Ali's Craft Studio

  4. Oh my goodness, you are quite the celebrity.. Please can I have your autograph?

    Really pleased to see things are going so well for you Mick, well deserved.


  5. Thank you all. Don't worry, I will make sure I do a blog giveaway when I make my first million :)


Thank you for your comments. I do appreciate the time and trouble taken to comment and will publish as soon as possible.