
Horse Tooth Paperweight

I recently blogged about the items that I made in the past for preserving teeth (both human and animal) within resin keepsake jewellery and paperweights. Since writing about this subject, I have recently been asked to preserve a horse tooth within a resin paperweight, so I thought I would show it off.

I was contacted by Janet who had a horse tooth that she wanted preserved within a resin paperweight. Sadly, she had lost her darling horse at the grand age of 30 (which is approximately 85 in human years), and the tooth had fallen out just prior to him passing. As you can imagine, the horse tooth was incredibly special to Janet, and she looked forward to having it displayed on her desk.

Horse tooth paperweight
Horse tooth paperweight

Horse teeth is not something that I have worked with before (it is the most unusual equine object that I have made), and I was quite amazed at the size of the tooth once I received it. To give you an idea of scale, the resin paperweight containing the tooth measures approximately 1.25 inches high and 3.0 inches in diameter; and the tooth almost fills the entire paperweight!

Equine paperweight containing a horse tooth
Equine paperweight containing a horse tooth

Many thanks for reading about my horse tooth paperweight, if you would like to read more about the types of jewellery and paperweights I have made with teeth, please visit my resin keepsake jewellery for teeth blog.


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